The Honoring Practice: Honor the Women Who’ve Had an Impact On You

Christine Arylo
3 min readMar 8, 2024


One simple, yet signifcant way we can create a better world today, through our voices, choices and presence.

Consider this: We may not be able to stop the chaos of the ‘banana world’ … twitch our nose and create a world that honors women and girls right now … or make systems value the more feminine (and often invisible) energies such as stillness, intuition and compassion as much as fast action and measurable results. But… we can use our power of connection + communication to co-create this reality now, in a small yet significant way.

I call it the Honoring Practice.

A little on what I mean by honor: I love the energy and power of “Honor.” To me, honoring someone always feels like a gift, a connection, an affectionate acknowledgment that lets a person know that their presence has made a difference — in some way, that may seem small to them, but that has had significant meaning and impact on us, and others.

Honor isn’t about giving or receiving recognition for a material reward … it’s subtler than that. I think it’s the subtleness and simplicity in honor that gives it the flavor of genuineness that has a meaningful impact on both giver and receiver.

Honoring is especially potent I find when we honor someone not just for the tangible things they have achieved, but for the ‘invisible’ ways their presence, care, guidance, & insight has impacted us in ways they may not know.

The Practice: Today, within the energy of international women’s day and Women’s History Month, I was inspired to pause and reflect on the women who have made impact in my life throughout my career and life. Women whose presence, wisdom and care helped me navigate new terrain and embody my genuine essence, wisdom and power.

I thought about each one of the women and talked about their impact with another person — I shared with Noah, my partner. over coffee this morning about what each woman taught me and gave me that is still with me today.

  • I thought about how each showed up in their natural presence and how their presence inspired me — Recalling their expression, and how just by being who they were, I found a part of my own essence as a leader.
  • I connected — Some I have stayed in touch with, others I took a look online to see what they were up to, and all I made a commitment to reach out to personally this month, with a simple note of gratitude to let them know the impact of their presence in my life at a specific time has stayed with me.

The Impact of the Honoring Practice

Afterward (and really all day), I felt more connected. More at ease, and feeling more momentum and possibility. Even with all the heaviness in the world, I feel lighter. More buoyant and resilient.

Beside the obvious reasons this would feel so good, in reflection I see how these simple actions fired up feelings of my “co-creative power”, i.e. putting what I want to see in the world into the world now.

In my case, creating a world that: Honors women. Values the heart. Acknowledges & value the “invisible acts” that often go unnoticed (and are rarely compensated), but in reality are what hold our families, teams, organizations and society together and allow for the material success to happen.

The Step by Step — Give it a Try.

1. Consider a woman or the women who have made a difference in your life, career, leadership, wellbeing or presence — think about the specific interactions and how they impacted you.

2. Pause for for a minute or two and feel both the energy of that woman and her impact on you — honoring her wisdom, care and essence.

3. Anytime today or this month reach out - even if you haven’t spoken in years. Make it a simple connection to let her know the invisible impact she’s had on you, that she may not even fully know. Share how her presence in your life mattered.

BONUS: Share with another person about this person’s impact on you. Tell the story of what you learned and received from her.

One thing I know for sure …

Simple acts can shift our reality.
Honoring is a super power.
Dare to wield yours :)



Christine Arylo

Re-Imagining & re-designing how we lead, work, live & succeed for our next era. MBA + Wisdom Teacher + Leadership Advisor with fresh insight, models & practices